In caricamento...

Meeting room

from 20  /hour
Start booking to get exact price, including discounts and additional services.
65 ft2
6 guests
Без депозита

On-site equipment and services

Lavagna bianca
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

65 ft2
6 persone
3.00 ft
Floor: 2 (from 3)
Parcheggio a 100 metri dall'edificio
Amministratore presente a tutti gli eventi
1 toilet
Si può fumare fuori

Not permitted at this venue

Fare rumore, ascoltare musica ad alto volume, cantare o urlare
Fare rumore la sera o la notte
Bere alcolici
Introdurre bevande proprie (tra cui alcol)

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Owner about venue

This is a creative workshop space and communal training space located in Newington Green, North London. It is ideal for meetings, training and presentations for up to 6 guests.