In caricamento...

Casa Muza

350 ft2
50 guests
BYOB, self-catering
Без депозита

On-site equipment and services

Router wifi
Impianto audio
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

350 ft2
50 persone
3.00 ft
Floor: 1 (from 6)
Parcheggio vicino all'edificio
Amministratore presente a tutti gli eventi
Si può fumare fuori

Not permitted at this venue

Fare rumore, ascoltare musica ad alto volume, cantare o urlare
Fare rumore la sera o la notte

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Owner about venue

This charming 350 sq ft space is located in the creative area of the Lower East Side. It has a private entrance and is located on the ground floor with bright white interiors. The venue is flexible for creative projects. With a kitchen, this space is also functional and filled with natural light.

Our event space accommodates 30 guests seated, and 50 guests standing.