In caricamento...

View Studio 2

from 100  /hour
Start booking to get exact price, including discounts and additional services.
689 ft2
30 guests
Без депозита

On-site equipment and services

Aria condizionata
Router wifi
Plasma TV
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

Edificio per uffici
689 ft2
30 persone
3.00 ft
Floor: 6
Parcheggio a 100 metri dall'edificio
Amministratore presente a tutti gli eventi
Можно курить в выделенном месте

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Owner about venue

Our View Studios are a modern and contemporary meeting space with outstanding 6th floor views across the Thames and down to Westminster Bridge and the London Eye. The space is versatile enough to be used in a classic boardroom set-up, U-shape or even theatre style.

This light and bright space has a large screen television and our audiovisual team provide a full range of upgrades to really make a difference to your meeting or conference.