In caricamento...

Boardroom Suite

from 47  /hour
Start booking to get exact price, including discounts and additional services.
484 ft2
12 guests
Без депозита

On-site equipment and services

Router wifi
Plasma TV
Aria condizionata
Lavagna bianca
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Venue specifications

484 ft2
12 persone
3.00 ft
Floor: 1 (from 4)
Parcheggio a 100 metri dall'edificio
Amministratore presente a tutti gli eventi
Можно курить в выделенном месте

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Owner about venue

An exclusive area of the ground floor of our 5-star hotel is home to the handsome Boardroom Suite, comprising a naturally lit boardroom, private dining room and stylish anteroom.

Beautiful mahogany furniture and paintings on the walls create a serene, refined atmosphere for business discussions. Ergonomic armchairs provide adjustable comfort. 

With cutting-edge equipment and mood lighting, our team of meeting planners sets the scene for your event, be it an important board meeting or festive champagne celebration.

The anteroom is ideal for a tête-à-tête or a refreshing break, while the private dining room means you and your guests won’t have far to go for a rewarding gourmet meal after a productive day of business.